Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Here at college, we have three dining halls.  Two of them are delicious, gluttonous all-you-can-eat free-for-alls as soon as you swipe your card to enter.  But Shimesky is the only dining hall that attempts to limit student consumption.

Why, I have no idea.  Maybe because it's easier for students and townspeople to sneak into Shimesky than into the other dining halls.  Anyway, one of the Shimesky policies is that you are permitted a single entrée:  vegan, salad, pasta, carnivore, or sandwich.  This is not my favorite rule in the world, especially since I am currently running distances that require me to eat nonstop in order to not evaporate.

But rules are rules.  One night I got back from my run so late that I had barely enough time to grab a quick Shimesky dinner to bring to my evening class.  The vegan entrée looked good.  I asked for some and was served the sort of amount you would give a small girl if you did not know that she had just run twelve miles.  My heart sank.  (My stomach screamed.)  I kept up a brave face.  With the meager pile of food on my tray, I trotted over to the salad bar and asked the salad people if I could have an entrée salad.  They very nicely said no.  I forced my face into a polite expression while subtly mind-lasering them with the force of a thousand suns, and asked for a side salad instead.  They were happy to give me that.

Thus I had to improvise to get enough calories in my dinner. Five minutes later, I strolled out of Shimesky with:
a small tofu fajita heaped with guacamole, salsa, and vegan sour cream;
a side salad overflowing with edamame and carrots and honey mustard dressing;
a thick slice of bread slathered in peanut butter;
a big chocolate cupcake crowned with a sugary tower of frosting;
a tall glass of soymilk;
and two golden bananas. 

The Dining Services people were not pleased to see me go.  I could feel the irritation oozing from their unwavering, hawklike stares:  "Gosh darn it—another scumbag student stealing her next two meals.  Gotta make them trays smaller."

But they were wrong.  I ate ALL of it.  During class.  Fork in one hand and pencil in the same hand.  (What, did you think I was ambidextrous?)  A classmate actually congratulated me when I finished.  So there, Shimesky.  So there.


  1. Wow...your diner sounds like it's actually healthy and good. Ours is not-hence, apartment living for me!

  2. Yes, it's actually pretty easy to choose healthy and delicious food in the dining halls. However, if you wanted to eat only fried things for every meal then you could do that too. Dining Services is very accommodating.

  3. ...and there is KALE at every meal, or maybe they just pull that out when they see a parent enter the dining hall.


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