Friday, August 31, 2012

Hitting Restart on the Funny Machine

Hello again!

This is Merp, broadcasting live from Merpsville.  This fall semester is going to be a busy one, but I intend to post weekly because that's the least often I can do it while still feeling proud of myself.  Summer vacation gave me tons of new material!  Especially the part that I spent in England with my family, which supplied a tonne and a half by itself.  All of this material is still in mad scribble form ("bagel cafe in forest reached by elevator") but I feel confident about Future Merp's work ethic.

So, have a safe trip back to school, young'uns.  Enjoy the peace and quiet, old'uns.  Nibble & Spew will be with you every step of the way.  Expect a new post within the week.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

What is distracting?

The more venerable readers of Nibble & Spew may be enlightened by the fact that "hw" means "homework".  This is an old picture, so be a good sport and feign amnesia if you've already seen it.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pride & Procrastination

Tonight, I present to you a chronicle of incoherent thoughts collected during one dark and stormy night last spring.  I had to write a four-page English paper on Pride and Prejudice.  That was all.  Four pages is incredibly short by college standards.  It should have taken about four well-planned hours--but as soon as my fingers touched the keyboard, my brain emitted a fart and died.  Note the times of each successive comment.

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