Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pride & Procrastination

Tonight, I present to you a chronicle of incoherent thoughts collected during one dark and stormy night last spring.  I had to write a four-page English paper on Pride and Prejudice.  That was all.  Four pages is incredibly short by college standards.  It should have taken about four well-planned hours--but as soon as my fingers touched the keyboard, my brain emitted a fart and died.  Note the times of each successive comment.

1 comment:

  1. Tsk tsk tsk! Oh undergrad grasshopper, when will you learn that doing papers in the daylight hours is the only way to preserve your sanity and avoid "misery of shame"???

    Hope you're doing well. I have to admit though, I am really glad to not EVER be forced to read Jane Austen again.


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