Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Say that again?

Comic from summer 2013.  
For the culturally otherwise, Dick's Sporting Goods is a chain of stores in the USA.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Haiku Under the Influence

Another interesting choice I made during summer 2013.  Was I going to make a series out of this?  Who knows?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Lifestyle Blogs Hate Her

Today, I attacked a stack of papers that has been on my desk since June.  This yielded surprising results--cartoons I drew months ago and never posted!  This one is in honor of my general lifestyle.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mom vs. Deer

I've gotten a new computer since the last post, and this one has zero image-editing capabilities.  So the comics are going to be dark for a while.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


my camera is terrible
the light in my room is terrible
but at least we have each other

and this

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Merp Gets an A

Cet automne, j’étais très occupée.  J’ai assisté à mes cours et j’ai fait presque tous mes devoirs.  Vers la fin du semestre—non, je plaisante, c’était malheureusement le milieu—je commençais à m’ennuyer pendant l’un de mes cours de psychologie.  J’ai décidé alors d’arrêter la façade de taper des notes avec un air sérieux et assidu.  À partir de cet instant, je passais les cours en dessinant avec Microsoft Paint.  (Le crayon mâché des logiciels pour dessiner.)  Mais je gardais l’air sérieux et assidu.
This fall, I was very busy.  I went to my classes and did almost all of my homework.  Near the end of the semester—just kidding, it was unfortunately the middle of the semester—I started to get bored during one of my psychology classes.  I decided to stop the façade of typing up notes with a serious, diligent look on my face.  From then on, I spent these classes drawing in Microsoft Paint.  (The chewed pencil of drawing programs.)  But I held on to the air of seriousness and diligence.

Aujourd’hui, c’était Halloween.  Une fille s’est déguisée comme Andy Warhol.  On a appris que dépenser de l’argent pour les autres nous donne plus de bonheur que dépenser pour nous-mêmes.  J’avais eu trop de caféine.  On a parlé des femmes qui vendent leurs ovules.
Today was Halloween.  Someone dressed up as Andy Warhol.  We learned that spending money on others makes you happier than spending money on yourself.  I had had too much caffeine.  We talked about women selling their eggs.

J’avais vraiment eu trop de caféine.  Le professeur a erré hors sujet.  On a parlé de donner son sang et la hiérarchie de Maslow.
I had really had too much caffeine.  The professor lurched off-topic.  We talked about donating blood and Maslow’s hierarchy.

Beaucoup d'aspects du comportement des humains sont irrationnels, surtout nos moyens de chercher le bonheur.  L’argent.  Personne ne lit de livres académiques.
Many things about human behavior are irrational, especially the way we seek happiness.  Money.  No one reads academic books.

La technologie n’est pas bonne pour les cerveaux et les rapports, mais on l’aime comme un fou quand même.
Technology isn’t good for our brains or our relationships, but we are crazy in love with it anyway.

On a un moi privé et un moi public.  Les « millennials » ne savent quoi faire avec des tas de papier.  On traite les autres des machines « sur demande. »  Rectangles.
We have a private self and a public self.  Millennials don’t know what to do with heaps of paper.  We treat others like on-demand machines.  Rectangles.

Je suis distraite.  On n’entend pas ce qu’on ne veut pas entendre.  Le prof a une question pour nous.
I am daydreaming.  We don’t hear what we don’t want to hear.  The professor has a question for us.

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