This Equation Analysis test was written by the astounding Will Shortz and put in Games Magazine in May 1981. Instructions are thus: Each question below contains the initials of words that will make it correct. Find the missing words. For example, 26 = L. of the A. would be 26 = Letters of the Alphabet.
When given five minutes to work on this puzzle in class, some of my classmates figured out as many as nine of the 24 answers. I got four. This made me have low self-esteem and possibly an emotional disorder. So, I have added my own answers to some of the equations.
If you can’t win the game, MAKE UP YOUR OWN RULES.
You can doubtlessly find the complete test and answers online.
7 = W. of the A.W.
(Worms of the Associated Wormgroup)
12 = S. of the Z.
(Soups of the Zionists)
9 = P. in the S.S.
(Piñatas in the Space Ship)
18 = H. on a G.C.
(Humps on a Gouty Camel)
57 = H.V.
1,000 = W. that a P. is W.
(Worries that a Poop is Wet)
200 = D. for P.G. in M.
(Dragons for President Gack in Morocco)
90 = D. in a R.A.
(Donuts in a Random Adolescent)
54 = C. in a D. (with the J.)
(Crumpets in a Diner [with the Jam])
Got all of these, after spending about a day on them. Cheating? Oops. Also the boyfriend helped. These are hard!